The Wonderful World of Darcey
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Well, if anyone is reading this after I haven't written anything for over a month, I guess I'll write something for you. It's hard to go to all the effort of turning on the computer and typing something when I get home after staring at the computer all day long, so I hope you know what a sacrifice I'm making, taking up time from my extra hour to write something here. But then again it's not like anyone reading this here cares about my difficulties figuring out the flowsheet data globals or how to track and package special updates. Just know that my job is scary and depressing because I don't know what I'm doing and don't know that I will like it when I do figure it out, especially the whole customer support thing that is really the most important part, and then what will I do?

Tuesday I am going to Atlanta, to share my wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm with a children's hospital, so we'll see how that goes. Maybe while I'm there I'll have something interesting to write here and time to write it. Unfortunately, my other trip, where I was scheduled to work three night shifts in a Los Angeles ER, has been postponed. I'm sure there would have been something interesting to write about that.

So what have I been doing the past month? Let's see... Yesterday I went downtown and wandered around looking at silly people in costumes, but we went home before the riots were scheduled to start. Halloween's a big thing here. So last weekend I carved a pumpkin. The weekend before that my grandmother visited and got sick, so a good time was had by all that weekend. The week before that I went to two hockey games and tried to learn about hockey. That's another thing they do here. The week before that... I don't really remember, so I think that's all I have to say about October. Stay tuned for next month's equally fascinating and thorough update.

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